Oct 5, 2009

Through Montana

After picking up some supplies in Wal-Mart we head off toward Wyoming. I am driving because Alex is too sick to sit up straight let alone drive 150 miles. Once we get out of Helena we find ourselves heading straight into a snowstorm. Big snowstorm. I drive through this storm for 2 hours and have to stop and get coffee. I pull off the road at a little town in the middle of nowhere in Montana that has a gas station, a gift shop and a beauty salon/coffee shop. I prepare myself for the snow and dash through it into the beauty salon/coffee shop. When I get in the door, to my right women are getting their nails done, to my left is a beauty gift shop, in the middle of the building is the coffee counter, past that are women getting their hair cut, and past that behind a wall are the tanning beds. Its like a warm ball of pink fluffiness exploded inside the building expelling all the dismal cold outside. The woman behind the coffee counter took 20 minutes to make 2 mochas. 20 minutes. I guess they don't get a lot of coffee customers. And when she gave me back my change she miscounted and only charged me $2 for the drinks.

I dodge back through the snowflakes and deep puddles, coffees in hand and get back on the road. After another hour of driving the snow finally stops and we stop at Little Bighorn Battlefield to see it. But once we get there it starts to snow again and Alex is in no position to be outside in it so I keep driving. We cross over into Wyoming as it's getting dark. When we get to Sheradin we drive around town, Alex is feeling horrible, until we find a Motel 6 and get a room for the night. When we get to the room we bring in as little stuff as possible and get Alex into the bath. While he's taking a bath I look outside to see it snowing all over everything. Everything is covered in white. It must have been snowing here for at least a week. We watch some TV and pass out.

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