Mar 5, 2010

Sunny in Florida

We're settling into a nice life here in Florida. We have a great landlord, who also happens to be Alex's boss. Our apartment has a bathtub, heater, carpet and working stove. We live near our friends and its a 20 minute walk to the beach from our front door. We both like our jobs. We've found a good mechanic who doesn't rape people for money. So many good things all in one place!


  1. Very glad to hear that you guys are doing well. I assume no plans to come out to SF any time soon?

  2. Candice- I don't know you but how can you be so oblivious to the fact that your boyfriend is adding random little teenagers. He tried adding me on facebook and I saw we had like 40 mutual friends. Once I saw them I noticed that they were all girls and I asked one of them and she said that she has no clue who Alex is he is just a random creeper who adds kids. Please be careful you seem like such a sweet girl.
