Sep 10, 2009

Camp Characters

HATCHET: a spunky fellow, known to get excited and rip into things

STOVE: a very social guy, very hot, and likes heating up the pots

POTS: first class ladies just beyond their prime due to weeks of use

WATER JUGS: male lovers who keep to themselves
ORANGE: manly
PINK: bitchy

FIRE: a wise old man who's always present at night, sometimes in the morning

SWEEPER: a jovial little fellow who comes out every once in a while and cleans up everyone's mess

TENT: a sturdy matronly woman who shelters and protects the others

(more to be added soon)

1 comment:

  1. love it. and we can say we were there at the birth of this new language. great stuff. i can picture you two chuckling to yourselves as you identify pots and tents and water jugs...just don't call me pink! (Janell - could only post as anonymous??!!)
