Sep 8, 2009

Again with the Moving!

Yesterday morning we planned to go to Glacier to take a hike to three waterfalls. It started to rain so we decided to stay in the tent for a bit and drink coffee. At about 10:00 AM a forest service lady came by the tent and told us that we needed to be out of the campsite by the next morning at 9:00 AM because they were going to do repairs.

So we packed up everything and looked at the map and tried to figure out where to go next. We thought about going east, but there was nothing really out there so we decided to go south to a group of lakes near Missoula.

We camped at Lake Placid State Park, which was extraordinarily expensive: $15 for the site, $4 for the firewood, and $10 for Alex and I to shower (we really needed to shower).

The next day we packed up everything again, by this time we're both getting pretty snippy at each other for little stupid things. We get to Missoula and go to a bar where I write this in my journal: "We have been on the road for five days. We're tired and snapping at each other. We have $105 left without dipping into our reserves. We don't know what to do. We need to make some money."

We drink a Stella each and scour the internet for any work that might be in Missoula. We decide that since Missoula is a college town and all the kids are coming back to school that there probably won't be much work for us here. We decide to go to Helena.

On the way to Helena Alex and I get into a huge fight over nothing and I pull over at a rest stop, get out of the car and walk to a big tree on the other side of the grass. I look at the sky and calm down and return to the car where I ask Alex, "Why are we getting so mad at each other?"

Being standoffish he says, "I don't know." Then he looks at me and starts to smile and I start to smile and we both crack up laughing. We give each other hugs and I start up the car and continue on the Helena.

We drive past Helena to a campsite 24 miles to the East. Here we have set up camp and plan to stay for about 14 days, the most allowed by the Forest Service. The site is free for us since we have an annual pass. Halfway between the campsite and Helena is a small town and around it are a lot of small ranches and farms. The town has a bar and we plan to go there tomorrow to say hi and see if anyone needs help getting ready for winter. I'll let you know how it goes :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! It's hard to keep packing and moving and setting up camp. Glad you have found a place to stay for a spell.
