Sep 28, 2009

Pies, Guns n' Fun

Last night we had dinner with Kay, the lady Candice is working for. She cooked us Cajun chicken and bought chocolate pie for desert. It was all very tasty and we had a good night. When we got back to 'DA SLUM', we were chilling outside when something dawned on me:

This woman was the first person I had met since being in Montana that didn't own a rack of guns or kill and eat their own food.

Now, I'm all for people having guns.

Sorry, I mean I'm all for people with some kind of a brain, and/or a reasonable level of training, having guns to shoot things for a reason.

When we stopped at our first campsite in Oregon, we met the lovely old couple. Like so many aged American couples, they toured around their home state in an unnecessarily large RV, stopping at a campground and sitting there for a week, socializing with all the other old couples who are doing exactly the same thing. Every one of them I've come across have travelled around America, seen everything, etc, etc. In the middle of a conversation with this particular old guy about how excited I was about traveling and camping around the country, he informs me that dispersed campsites are dangerous places where everyone wants to rob you and he would never dream of staying at one [Note: this might have something to do with the fact that his giant fucking RV wouldn't fit there]. He always carries a shotgun with him when he drives because the beautiful country he was just raving about, is only filled with evil people who want to take everything from two old people pulling an RV. He continued to back this up with some kind of story where some time, some place someone of some color ALMOST robbed him when they looked at him in a funny way and he ALMOST had to pull out his gun, blah, blah, blah. He also said that even if he's in a state where his license isn't valid, he still carries his gun, for 'protection'.

There's no need to have a gun "to protect yourself". You don't need to protect yourself from evil criminals who don't live anywhere near you and aren't planning on stopping by to rob you, rape you or kill you. And do you really think having a gun hidden somewhere in a lock box will help you if they do come knocking? Oh please.

You are idiots. You should probably just dirty a bullet with your own simple brains.

I have a problem with all the older Republicans waving their .44's and screaming about their 'right to bear arms'. Really?! Have you actually read it?
Amendment #4: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

Meaning, in my mind, weapons for the armed forces, and the right for people to KEEP and bear their arms. This in a time when men needed to form militias to protect land, or were traveling in wagons (not RV's) and people out there were really trying to kill them.
I don't see you picking up your gun, joining the army and running off to find bin Laden, who you've also conveniently forgotten that you haven't found in your stupid "War on Terror".

How the living fuck to you have a war against a noun?

All the people I've met in York are Republican, own guns, shoot guns, and kill animals; which they subsequently eat. Game tastes damn good. However most people here kill their animals with a bow and arrow. They just sit in a tree, make a few sounds, wait for it to come along, then shoot it in the lungs.

I've met people here who are amazed there is so little gun crime in England, and that cops don't carry guns. I explain that if you don't let people have guns, less people have guns, therefore police don't need to protect themselves, and the public, with guns.

Like I say, I'm not against guns. Guns are fun.

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