Oct 1, 2009

Advice to my young cousin. . .

I was crocheting a hat yesterday, and I started thinking about my young cousin who I'm making the hat for. She's a teenager now and I started thinking of a list of advice that I would have given myself if I were that age again, such an old person thing to do hehe. But here's the list, I don't think I'll ever give it to her, what do you think about it?

Listen to the news.

Get out of the country as soon as you can.

Feel deeply the joys and heartaches of your life.

Don't worry.

Support your opinions with fact.


Learn to do something useful with your hands.

Follow your heart wherever it leads.


Remember: you can find a way to do anything you want to do.

Don't worry too much about your body.

Find and develop your style.

Be aware of why you react to things the way that you do.

If you don't like something about yourself, change it.

Don't worry about what others think of you, your opinion matters more than theirs.

Say "yes" to things more than "no".

Stay positive, life is too short to waste time being negative.

Do things that make you uncomfortable.

Get your heart good and broken, then learn from it and move on.

See music played live whenever you can, especially international music.

Talk to people, and decide what kind of company you want to keep.

Always be interested in the other side of an argument.

Change your mind.

and above all, enjoy your individuality.

1 comment:

  1. dude, this is definitely a good list....i might have to go over it somewhat frequently to keep myself in check that i'm doing all of this....i love that we're sisters.
