Aug 28, 2009

The Herbarium: Portland

We are in search of a "Witch Store". This is a store that sells herbs, rocks, essential oils, occult books, etc. The three stores that I have previously frequented are The Akashic Bookshop & Center in Thousand Oaks, Serpent's Kiss in Santa Cruz and the Scarlet Sage in San Francisco.

We have finally made it to The Herbarium, "This had better be worth it" I say to Alex after our crazy driving experience.

We walk up the stairs to the back of a building that also houses an Irish Dance School and a Tattoo parlor. We walk through the door marked Herbarium and enter the most awesome witch store I have ever seen. Every surface is covered in boxes, jars and bottles holding everything from crystals to chamomile to musk squeezed from beavers butts. And hanging from every shelf are all kinds of necklaces and incense.

After saying hello and asking about his day, I ask the owner of the store, a tie dye clad man with fading blonde hair, "where are your essential oils?"

"Well there is a book of the ones I have here."

I look through the book and chitchat with the store owner about business. I get 2 oz of Eucalyptus from him for $15.50 which is amazing!!!! While he's pouring the essential oil into a container for me I ask what people have been buying lately. "Kartoum" He says.

"What does it do?"

"Well", he leans forward on the table, "It's from a tree in Thailand and It induces euphoria." He adds, "In smaller doses it can also be used as a pain reliever."

"How much should you take for the euphoria?"

"About three grams each to start. I've worked my way up to five though."

I smile. "So how much would 6 grams be?"

"Oh, only $6."

I give Alex a do you want to try this face, and he gives me a yes I do face so I say "Why don't we get 6 grams of that also." I ask, "Is is legal?"

"Not in Thailand."

We leave the witch store unexpectedly laden with euphoric powder from Thailand.


  1. I was totally intrigued until you came to the 'illegal in Thailand' part.

    If there's one thing I really don't want, it's to end up in a Thai jail. I'll wait until I go to Oregon.

  2. Great story. Loved it!
